Dancing with Werewolves: Delilah Street Book #1 by Carole Nelson Douglas

Dancing with Werewolves: Delilah Street Book #1

by Carole Nelson Douglas

  • It was the revelation of the millennium: witches, werewolves, vampires andother supernaturals are real. Fast-forward 13 years: TV reporter Delilah Streetused to cover the small-town bogeyman beat back in Kansas, but now, inhigh-octane Las Vegas — which is run by a werewolf mob — she findsherself holding back the gates of Hell itself. But at least she has a hot newguy and one big bad wolfhound to help her out...

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

This one shows some potential but, like others, I'm not sure if some of it couldn't have ended up cut out and a tighter story created. I am curious about what happens next and about some of the secrets that are lurking behind things but sometimes it came out as too pat.

Delia Street has moved to Vegas, finding herself on CSI as a corpse in a world a little like ours but with Vampires and Werewolves and other creatures out of myth and legend who came out of hiding in 2000. Las Vegas is under the thumb of werewolves, but the vampires don't agree. Delia searches for the truth, as an orphan she wants to find if she has relatives and this corpse may tell her something.

It's readable but somehow it's a bit confused and unsure what it really wants to be.

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  • Started reading
  • 8 August, 2009: Finished reading
  • 8 August, 2009: Reviewed