Reviewed by funstm on

5 of 5 stars

Jeez, this was intense. I loved every minute of it. As I said in my review of Fatal Enemy, this series reminds me a lot of [b:Furious|27131260|Furious (Faith McMann Trilogy, #1)|T.R. Ragan||46846981]. I loved Furious, so it comes as no real surprise that I loved this.

Fatal Distraction has two really strong leads in Jess and Helen. I really liked Jess and her dedication to the innocent. Her compassion and resilience was inspiring. I'll definitely be picking up the rest of her adventures. I loved Helen. I particularly loved that she was the hero of the story, rescuing everyone at the end. Oliver and Helen were so good together and it was nice to see such a supportive and loving couple represented in print for a change. The mystery itself was riveting and while it wasn't particularly surprising, I still really enjoyed how they got there. And Mike was hilarious all energy and just low key knowing everyone.

It was really well written as well and I can't wait to read more of this series. 4.5 stars rounded up to 5.

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  • 3 December, 2018: Reviewed