Reviewed by Lynn on

5 of 5 stars

Melissa Foster is back with a new series. Bayside Desires is the first novel and it's fabulous.

Desiree Cleary rushes back to the small town of Wellfleet. A cryptic message from her estranged mother is the reason she's back but, unsure of what to expect she's procrastinating from making her way to her late Grandmother's house. Whilst hanging around at the end of a jetty, she ends up getting soaked to the skin by a careless guy on Jet Skis, leading to a new complication she never envisioned. Because the consequences throw her life into more chaos as the reason for the summons are revealed.

Rich Savage has an 'aggressive' reputation, yet, he's also one helluva of a charming guy and possessive too, but not in an overbearing way. He knows what he wants to get the results he desires but doesn't necessarily following the right way to achieve them. He's in Wellfleet to help his brother and friend at the Bayside Resort he co-owns with them. He's taking time out from his other business in D.C. and enjoying re-connecting with his family. Whilst out on Jet Skis, he carelessly turns, showering a woman stood on the jetty. An action that throws his life into further turmoil because this woman makes him question his future. He's torn between burying feelings from the past which keeps him living apart from the people he loves using his workload as an excuse to keep away. Is she the one to bring him back home?

Sensual and ever-so-sexy, this novel has a feel good factor leaving you feeling as gooey as roasted marshmallows. The narrative has a fun element too as we get to know Lizza and her convoluted wisdom, which once you understand it, isn't complicated at all. The book also deals with forgiving mistakes from the past to forge new and stronger relationships. It highlights that even if you appear to have it all, you probably don't. Bayside Desires is both heart-warming and fun...and not forgetting sexy. There's a crazy dog too with a hilarious party trick to keep everyone on their toes. 

This is the first book in the new spin-off series; Bayside Summers. As with all Melissa's books, we catch up with familiar faces we've met before and get to know others who will get their stories told in future novels. The sense of community and family connections are as strong as ever in this delightful small town romance which holds much promise for the future.

***arc generously received courtesy of the publisher World Literary Press***

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  • 1 May, 2017: Reviewed