Burning Bright by Melissa McShane

Burning Bright (Extraordinaries, #1)

by Melissa McShane

In 1812, Elinor Pembroke wakes to find her bedchamber in flames—and extinguishes them with a thought. At 21, she is old to manifest magical talent, but the evidence is unmistakable: she not only has the ability to start fires, but the far more powerful ability to control and extinguish them. She is an Extraordinary, and the only one in England capable of wielding fire in over one hundred years.

As an Extraordinary, she is respected and feared, but to her father, she represents power and prestige for himself. Mr. Pembroke, having spent his life studying magic, is determined to control Elinor and her talent by forcing her to marry where he chooses, a marriage that will produce even more powerful offspring. Trapped between the choices of a loveless marriage or living penniless and dependent on her parents, Elinor takes a third path: she defies tradition and society to join the Royal Navy.

Assigned to serve under Captain Miles Ramsay aboard the frigate Athena, she turns her fiery talent on England’s enemies, French privateers and vicious pirates preying on English ships in the Caribbean. At first feared by her shipmates, a growing number of victories make her truly part of Athena’s crew and bring her joy in her fire. But as her power grows and changes in unexpected ways, Elinor’s ability to control it is challenged. She may have the power to destroy her enemies utterly—but could it be at the cost of her own life?

Reviewed by Berls on

5 of 5 stars

Loved this so much! This is the second book I've read that has a historical fantasy feel to it taking place mainly on the ocean and I have to say it's a setting I LOVE. I think the element of the ocean, so unpredictable and all the challenges that come with life on a ship just adds such an interesting element - particularly in the historical (although, now that I think of it, I read a modern one and that setting was pretty great too).

Burning Bright was particularly good because of the characters, though. I love Elinor! She's got some guts! I don't want to give anything away... so, all I'll say is that when she doesn't like what the two paths laid out for her offer, she CREATES a third, completely unheard of path and then commits to it, all in. I loved the way she didn't back down and the power of character... even before we get to her magical ability. She grows a lot over the course of the story which is always exciting to watch.

The Hero - Miles Ramsey - is also pretty great. He takes some warming up to, but I never disliked him. He's got all the necessary hero qualities - strong, charming, honorable, etc. He also makes you laugh.

The magic and the way these extraordinary abilities changes the landscape of sea life and battle was pretty cool and really well woven into the story. I know I will read more in this series, though the reviews for book 2 aren't nearly as good so I'm not in a huge hurry. If it was more with Elinor and Ramsey I'd probably already be reading it.

The narration was also great. Cat Gould is not a narrator I've listened to before, but I will not hesitate to listen to her again. Great voices and pacing!

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  • 9 May, 2018: Reviewed