Thread on Arrival by Amanda Lee

Thread on Arrival

by Amanda Lee

Embroidery shop owner Marcy Singer gets hung up on a tapestry that may lead to sunken treasure and be the motive for murder....

When Marcy's friend Reggie, Tallulah Falls' local librarian, asks her to teach an embroidery class as therapy for domestic abuse victims, she gladly agrees. One of the women wants to flee from her abusive husband but is afraid to leave her elderly father-in-law behind. And she thinks Marcy can help.

The elderly gentleman shows Marcy a tapestry his grandmother made, which he believes reveals the location of pirate treasure off the Oregon coast. He'll move to a shelter--provided Marcy takes the tapestry to keep it safe. But when the police arrive the next day to escort him out, they find the old man murdered and the house ransacked. Does someone want that treasured tapestry desperately enough to kill for it?

Reviewed by MurderByDeath on

2.5 of 5 stars

This book, and this series in general, just didn't do it for me. Halfway through I had decided I'd finish, but not read any further into the series. The writing just felt so flat, so 1950's-ish. A bit prudish. Don't get me wrong - I love cozies and I'm not looking for a lot of sex, etc. I can point to quite a few books/series whose writing relies on inferences rather than detail and the writing still pops.

Still, by the second half of the book, the story picked up a bit - once you got past her best friend acting like a sulky child (who does this?!?) and all the awkward moments in the beginning of the book. The murderer was screamingly obvious to me from almost the start, but there was a bit of a twist at the end I didn't see coming. The ending wasn't bad, a bit anti-climatic, but I liked it. Most of the characters are likeable. I'm still not sure I'll pick up the next or not - probably will.

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  • Started reading
  • 4 January, 2013: Finished reading
  • 4 January, 2013: Reviewed