Reviewed by Angie on

4 of 5 stars

In Harmony follows cellist Karen through her final months of college. All that stands between her and graduation is one last recital. The pressure is on though because she has to ace it to make up for her failing presentations grade (she has an extreme fear of public speaking). But then, her duet partner breaks his arm, and performers cannot go on solo. The only other student without a partner is guitarist Connor, who had no intention of performing anyway. Karen must convince him or her future is lost.

I really enjoyed In Harmony. At least after those initial chapters. I had a hard time believing the situation that Karen finds herself in. She goes to talk to her professor about the fact that her partner was mugged and shattered his elbow, and his response is essentially, "Oh well. No graduation for you." I really don't believe that a school would react that way at all. I get that it's an extremely competitive college, but shouldn't they want their students to succeed? Even not, he should have discussed options with her. It was just very unbelievable.

But after that, In Harmony was great! Karen is determined to graduate which I really admire. Even after she and Connor fall in love and everything else seems to be falling apart, she does not give up! She's going to graduate and accomplish her goals! She's also going to help Connor pass his classes, graduate, and accomplish his goals! She even finds time to help her other friends with their problems! There's a lot going on, but it never felt like too much or forced. Karen just worries about those around her.

What I loved best about In Harmony was the frank discussions of sex. Of course, later in the story Karen and Connor have to be getting in on, but before then, Karen is kind of exploring her sexuality. She's a virgin, but she does pleasure herself. But when it comes to being with a guy, she has no clue, so she turns to Jasmine for help. That scene is one of the most hilarious things I have ever read. I loved how Jasmine was honestly trying to prepare her, but her methods were just not working! It's too funny.

In Harmony was just really great. I loved the romance and the friendships and the focus on working toward your goals no matter what. There are some more serious parts, but nothing that goes too dark. I also liked getting updates on Natasha and Darrell. It's not all sunshine and rainbows, saved by the power of love with them, but they are doing good.

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.

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  • 22 December, 2015: Finished reading
  • 22 December, 2015: Reviewed