Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

Caffeinated Reasons to grab Dark Peak

  • Do you love watching BBC Mysteries set in rural towns? Then Dark Peak might just be for you.

  • When Mitch Walker was nine-years-old he and his sister left the yard and wondered into the marsh while chasing a fox. He never saw again his sister Sarah. His mother took Mitch and moved away leaving their father at Blackden Edge. Mitch's father has passed away and after being contacted by a solicitor he and his young daughter head to Dark Peak. His return brings back the questions of what happened to Sarah.

  • Elly Cooper, a former journalist known for her novel, Heart Of A Killer is struggling after sales have dropped in the sixth year since its release. Her publicist recommends that she investigates the Blackden Edge murders and see if there is a serial killer. Elly wonders if Mitch's father was responsible for the murders.

  • Old towns hold dark secrets and where everyone knows all of your secrets. Both Mitch and Elly want answers and the old manor may just hold the key.

  • Atmospheric with twists, red herrings, and disturbing truths Wright will quickly pull you into this macabre tale.

  • While, her narration could feel dull and her accents difficult to interpret, Henrietta Meire became the voices of the characters and enhanced the suspenseful tones and colorful suspects.

  • When a body is discovered in the moors, things heat-up and I looked for any excuse to listen.

  • Wright kept me guessing with several plausible suspects.

  • The story came to a thrilling and believable end.

This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Reviewer

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  • Started reading
  • 17 December, 2018: Finished reading
  • 17 December, 2018: Reviewed