Witches Incorporated by K. E. Mills

Witches Incorporated (Rogue Agent, #2)

by K. E. Mills

It's a case of espionage, skullduggery and serious unpleasantness

And it's also Gerald's first official government assignment. He's hunting down a deadly saboteur, and time is quickly running out. Old enemies and new combine forces to thwart him. Once again, innocent lives are on the line. He needs his friends. He can't do this alone.

But Princess Melissande and Reg have troubles of their own. With the help of Monk Markham's brilliant, beautiful sister, they've opened a one-stop-shop witching locum agency, where magical problems are solved for a price. Problem is, the girls are struggling to keep the business afloat. Things are looking grim for Witches Incorporated -- and that's before they accidentally cross paths with Gerald's saboteur.

Suddenly everybody's lives are on the line and Gerald realizes, too late, that there's a reason government agents aren't supposed to have friends . . .

Witches Incorperated is the second novel in the Rogue Agent trilogy, from one of fantasy's newest stars.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

Gerald has survived his first adventures and now is in a secret government agency. He's hunting a deadly saboteur, trying his best to appear harmless and he would love to have his friends helping him.
Princess Melissande and Reg the bird from the previous story are working with Monk Markham's sister Bibbie in a witching locum agency. They're not being very successful until they get caught up in a baking competition. They're helped by their social status. When they uncover the truth in the competition they then get asked to investigate more for their employer. This drags them into the same company as Gerald and suddenly they have to investigate things together. Gerald has to combine his job with keeping his friends safe and believing that his friends can help him.

It took a while to get into the stride of this story, and it whizzed past as the story came to it's conclusion, I really want to read more in this series. Melissande is a great character and she really comes across as mostly self-reliant but willing to let others help, particularly if she lacks the skills. Gerald has to deal with his conscience a lot and makes hard decisions of the right reasons.

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  • Started reading
  • 1 June, 2012: Finished reading
  • 1 June, 2012: Reviewed