Warren Ellis' Crecy by Warren Ellis

Warren Ellis' Crecy

by Warren Ellis

  • An original graphic novel from Warren Ellis and his Apparat line of books! A highly trained but under equipped army invades another country due to that country's perceived threat to home security. The army conducts shock-and-awe raids designed to terrify the populace. This army is soon driven to ground, and vastly outnumbered. The English army has to stand and fight, in Crecy, France. On 26 August 1346, modern warfare changed forever. This is the story of England's greatest battle. Featuring the stunningly detailed art of Raulo Caceres.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

4 of 5 stars

A longbowman's account of the battle of Crecy. Crude and simplistic in parts this is also a perfect way to teach about how divided things really were and how this was a turning point for England and in warfare.

Densely illustrated and holding nothing back, it's an interesting read, could be useful for educators, be prepared with a decent bibliography for afterwards, the only thing this is really lacking!

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  • Started reading
  • 1 October, 2011: Finished reading
  • 1 October, 2011: Reviewed