Bad Monkey by Carl Hiaasen

Bad Monkey

by Carl Hiaasen


'[A] comedic marvel' --- New York Times

When a severed arm is discovered by a couple on honeymoon in the Florida Keys, former police detective - now reluctant restaurant inspector - Andrew Yancy senses that something doesn't add up. Determined to get his badge back, he undertakes an unofficial investigation of his own.

Andrew's search for the truth takes him to the Bahamas, where a local man, with the help of a very bad monkey (who allegedly worked on the Pirates of the Caribbean movies) is doing everything in his power to prevent a developer from building a new tourist resort on the island, with deadly consequences . . .

Outrageous, hilarious and addictive, this is the unique Carl Hiaasen at his absolute best. Bad Monkey will have you on the edge of your seat and laughing out loud.

Reviewed by jamiereadthis on

5 of 5 stars


Five stars for the Hiaasen book. Five stars for the Arte Johnson narration. Five stars for making me nearly wreck my car from laughing myself blind. Five stars for Rosa, and Yancy, and Evan Shook, and Plover Chase, and Cody Parish, and Neville and Driggs, and Stoney’s Crab Palace. So about fifty-five stars. That sounds about right.

For real, though. I listened to this one while road-tripping down to the coast and it was perfect place, perfect time. (Minus the almost-wrecking-my-car bit.) Sometimes a book just gets you like that. I knew it would be Hiaasen, but I wasn’t prepared to want more Arte Johnson reading Carl Hiaasen right now in my life.

He wondered if something was mentally wrong with him for being content with what he had.

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  • 12 July, 2019: Reviewed