Wilder Country by Mark Smith

Wilder Country

by Mark Smith

A devastating virus has left few alive. Finn, Kas and Willow must evade capture by Ramage's dangerous gang, and try to protect the valley. Finn knows it's really the girls protecting them from danger.

Reviewed by Kelly on

4 of 5 stars

The desolate winter brought reprieve from the noxious, violent men who meander the barren Australian coastline. To survive, Finn, Kashmala and Willow depart Angowrie in search of Hope, abducted from her dying mother. Rose and Kashmala are refugees. Arriving in Australia as children, adults are placed within detention facilities, children and adolescents denied an education and placed in servitude. Contamination decimated Australia, survival communities ensuring democracy and liberation while Ramage intends retribution.

In Wilder Country, Kashmala and Finn journey the dangerous, forsaken landscape pursuing Hope, literally and figuratively, while avoiding capture. Finn is a character enduring tremendous growth. Rose and now Kashmala both revealing the plight of asylum seekers within Australia as the remorseless, misogynistic Wilder men claim ownership of surviving females. The premise of the Winter series is survival and the triumph against adversity, compelling characters and the balance of morality. Wonderfully written with a strong social conscious.

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  • Started reading
  • 18 October, 2017: Finished reading
  • 18 October, 2017: Reviewed