Reviewed by annieb123 on

4 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

The Essential Vegan Air Fryer Cookbook is a tutorial cookbook with included recipes for plant based dishes using an air fryer. Author Tess Challis is a life coach and blogger. Due out 18th June 2019 from Rockridge, it's 168 pages and will be available in ebook and paperback formats (ebook available now). Possibly worth noting: the ebook format has a handy interactive table of contents including hyperlinks in the text.

The foreword, introduction, and introductory tutorials take up ~17% of the page content and cover different types of fryers, the purpose and scope of the book's recipes (75, though I didn't count specifically). The author also includes a handy comparison chart for currently available makes and models. This should be helpful for readers wanting to purchase a unit who need some guidance on which one to choose.

The recipes themselves are arranged by category: Breakfasts & Breads, Sides & Snacks, Main Dishes, Desserts, and Staples. There are also a number of resources and charts at the end of the book including further reading, measurement conversion charts, serving sizes and others. If I had any quibbles with this book, I would have suggested more serving suggestions and/or photography. There are -very- few photographs in the eARC I was given for review purposes.

I love the air fryer concept and these recipes are tasty. We tried (and liked): Panang Curry Bowl, Apple Crisp, and Pasta with Creamy Cauliflower Sauce. Most of the recipes are pretty easy to make with easily sourced ingredients.

At the end of the day, they -taste- good and satisfy my family (and we aren't veg*n at all, just trying to live a little bit healthier and more sustainably).

Four stars.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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  • 14 June, 2019: Reviewed