Twins by Varian Johnson


by Varian Johnson


A heartfelt and delightful middle-grade graphic novel,
from the award-winning author Varian Johnson and rising cartoonist
Shannon Wright.
Maureen and Francine Carter are twins and best
friends. They participate in the same clubs, enjoy the same foods and are partners
on all their school projects.

But just before the girls start sixth grade, Francine becomes
Fran - a girl who wants to join the chorus, run
for class president and dress in fashionable outfits that set her
apart from Maureen. A girl who seems happy to share only two
classes with her sister!

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Reviewed by mrs_mander_reads on

4 of 5 stars

I didn't love this for myself, but I'll definitely be recommending it to others who have siblings going through something similar, or students who are transitioning between elementary and middle school.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 1 October, 2021: Finished reading
  • 1 October, 2021: Reviewed