Dead Souls by J. Lincoln Fenn

Dead Souls

by J. Lincoln Fenn

"When Fiona Quinn is approached in a bar by a man who calls himself Scratch and claims he's the devil, she figures it's just some kind of post-modern ironic pickup line. But since he offers to pick up the tab, what the hell. A few drinks in, Scratch offers something much stranger--a wish in exchange for her immortal soul. Fiona has been wondering if her boyfriend is having an affair. What if she could become invisible, see what he's really up to? It can be done, but for a price--in addition to her soul, Fiona must perform a special favor for Scratch whenever the time comes. Fiona finds the whole thing so hilarious that she agrees. Bad idea."--

Reviewed by chymerra on

5 of 5 stars

Before I start my review, I would like to thank Gallery, Threshold, Pocket Books and NetGalley for allowing me to review Dead Souls by J. Lincoln Fenn.

**All opinions stated in this review are mine and mine alone. I received Dead Souls from Gallery, Threshold, Pocket Books through NetGalley as an e-ARC for my honest review.**

Now onto my review:

What would you do if you were approached by the devil, offered your heart’s desire and all you have to do is give him your soul and perform a special favor for him? Would you take him up on his offer or would you walk away?

That is exactly what Fiona ran into in this book. After seeing her boyfriend of 3 years hugging another woman at the airport, she returns home to find that she has locked her keys in the apartment. Upset, she heads to the local bar….where she approached by a man who claims to be Scratch and he wanted to know if she would give him her soul in order to get what she wanted (to be invisible) and all she had to do was perform a special favor. At this point, I personally would be calling over the bouncer to have him escorted off the property. But for some reason, Fiona didn’t and she agreed.

So imagine her surprise when she wakes up, with a hangover and naked, in her bed…in the apartment that she locked her keys into. And imagine her surprise when her neighbor approaches her with her clothes and an envelope with her name on it. There is a card inside with her name, date and favor.

Then things start to get super creepy. She starts going to a support group of people who have also made a deal with the devil. They ranged from a college student who wanted to levitate to a lesbian who wanted to be straight (yes, you read that right, even I did a WTF there…lol) to a couple who desperately wanted children to a mysterious photographer. They meet once a month to see if they are all still there and to check their cards.

This is where I am going to shut up because the book got really creepy and very surreal. Lets just say that the favors got called in….on everyone in the group.

The ending of the book was surprising. I mean, I expected some of it but I didn’t expect the other thing what happened. Totally didn’t expect it and it kinda threw me off…lol.

How many stars will I give Dead Souls? 5

Why? This was a fantastic book to read. The author did a great job keeping me on the edge of my seat and guessing what was going to happen next

Will I reread? Yes

Will I recommend to family and friends? Yes

Age range: Adult

Why: Extreme violence and some sexual situations

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 17 September, 2016: Finished reading
  • 17 September, 2016: Reviewed