Alchemy for Women by Peter Redgrove, Penelope Shuttle

Alchemy for Women

by Peter Redgrove and Penelope Shuttle

This is a book which contains practical advice for women on how to understand themselves more holistically by tuning into their bodies' changes throughout their monthly cycle. It asserts that the changing rhythms of women's lives can be followed by examining the dreams they have, and also through their sensitivities to lunar cycles and weather. Understanding how these cycles affect their engagement with the "outer" world, and vice versa, can bring feelings of connectedness and peace, so often lacking in today's fragmented world. The authors offer ideas on dream exploration, homeopathy, massage, acupuncture and relaxation techniques to help women understand themselves more holistically.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

4 of 5 stars

This is an interesting book about examining the patterns in your life and using them to greater good. The more you know about yourself the more you can do with the changes in your moods and maybe map your life to suit rather than trying to medicate your body to suit your life. Not that they decry medication but they point out that sometimes they have seen interesting results when people look at the why of their dreams or imagery in their life and respond to them. It sometimes comes across as a little simplistic in the "Women" and "Men" responses but it's an interesting read to think about.

It's a book to read and think about and probably to reject a lot of ideas from but it made me think and it made me look at the menstrual cycle through different eyes, which can't be all bad.

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  • 6 January, 2008: Reviewed