Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

Cocktails and Books received this book for free from Inkslinger PR in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect our opinion of the book or the content of our review.Man I was ready for Channing Lord!!!  I enjoy a good friends to lovers trope and Penelope Ward captured the essence and angst of two friends fighting their attraction to each other.

Channing and Amber grew up together and lived through an unspeaksable tragedy supporting one another.  Fast forward nine years were Channing and Amber are once again spending time together and supporting each other through a different type of tragedy...a broken heart.  

I enjoyed Channing and Amber seperately, but I loved them together.  I loved the friendship they rekindled, how Channing helped Amber realize she was more than her relationship with Rory and how protective they were of each other.  It was easy to see the two of them together because they complimented each other so well.

The only thing I didn't like about the book was Rory.  Yes, he had broken Amber's heart (and his own) but I think Channing and Amber's story could have stood on it's own without Rory and the drama that went along with him.

Another great read by one of my auto one-click authors.  Definitely a book to add to your TBR.

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  • Started reading
  • 21 February, 2018: Finished reading
  • 21 February, 2018: Reviewed