Cold Turkey by Shelley Freydont

Cold Turkey (Celebration Bay Mystery, #1.5)

by Shelley Freydont

This Thanksgiving in Celebration Bay, it’s murder with all the trimmings… 

Event coordinator Liv Montgomery is not only in charge of this year’s Turkey Trot in Celebration Bay, she’s participating as one of the runners. But not long after the race begins, gunshots are heard and a body is found in a remote section of woods. Did a local crank shoot the man for trespassing? Or is there a darker, more complex motive for plucking this runner before he crosses the finish line? Now it’s Liz’s turn to race to find the cold-blooded killer…

Reviewed by MurderByDeath on

3 of 5 stars

A mini-mystery that takes place between the first and second books of the Celebration Bay mystery series. Most novella's focus on character development, but this was a full-fledged mini-mystery with a murder taking place during the 10k Turkey Trot.

I'll call this one of the better mystery novella's I've read for plot complexity. I'm still reserving judgement on the characters - The author hasn't done a whole lot to make me like those that feel like they are going to be an integral part of the series (Chaz) but one can hardly expect the author to accomplish that in an ebook special novella.

Overall, if you enjoy the mini-stories that pop up in your mystery series, this is one of the better ones.

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  • Started reading
  • 9 August, 2013: Finished reading
  • 9 August, 2013: Reviewed