Reviewed by stressedrach on

4 of 5 stars

I didn’t know really what to expect from the book Theft Is Legal as the book description talked about America’s economic crashes that the country has experienced and survived. As I am from the UK I really do not pay attention to things like that in the news and have no clue what it is all about if I hear about it anyway. I was really surprised with his book as the author Svetoslav S Elenkov explained things that would normally go right over my head in a way that I could understand them.

The author starts his book by talking about hyperinflation, where he was going to school on a Monday morning and his dad gave him 20 leva for a pastry but when he goes to buy the pastry the price of it is 25 leva. So the next day he is given 40 leva but the pastries have gone up again and were now 50 leva. His dad keeps giving him more money every day but he still does not have enough leva to buy a pastry. By Friday the pastries had gone up to 1000 leva now that is hyperinflation. The book also explains capitalism and socialism and different scenarios.
In fact for a book I thought would not be my thing I found it very interesting and I learnt a lot from it.

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  • 20 February, 2013: Finished reading
  • 20 February, 2013: Reviewed