Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

I walked into this story having no idea what a Scrimitar Magi was, but that didn't matter. I was introduced to a world where descendents of Gods are reborn into somewhat immortal warriors who protect the human realm from all sorts of bad guys. It was interesting, at times funny and definitely full of some very hot alpha males.

DARKNESS UNBOUND tells the story of Astrid, a woman who had been wronged one too many times in her life by men and suddenly finds herself the first female members of this guardian group.

As a reader, I felt bad for Astrid right from the moment I met her. She discovers her boyfriend cheating on her with her best friend. Then this Thor-like man (Zannis) shows up and rocks her world, telling her she summoned him. Then when she tries to summon him again, she finds herself with a sword in her chest. Pretty intense stuff. Instead of having all of that break, Astrid becomes a bit of a super woman. Sure, she compartmentalizes her emotions and tends to keep people at arms length, but a lesser person would have broken. Then when she's brought into the Magi group, she takes her new job in stride. It's only when she's forced to come face to face with Zannis that her emotions break out and she has to deal with what happened to her in the past and look towards the future.

I enjoyed this story. It had a Dark-Hunter (by Sherrilyn Kenyon) type feel to it, with the Gods interfering or trying to control various outcomes in the human realm. There was a lot of action, some schmexy times with the hero and heroine and a group of characters that were hard not to like. I'll definitely be going back to read books 1 & 2 and eagerly await what coming next.

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  • Started reading
  • 23 November, 2014: Finished reading
  • 23 November, 2014: Reviewed