All Together Dead by Charlaine Harris

All Together Dead (Sookie Stackhouse, #7)

by Charlaine Harris

Louisiana cocktail waitress Sookie Stackhouse is stuck in the middle of a vampire gathering on the verge of disaster in the seventh novel in the #1 New York Times bestselling series—the inspiration for the HBO® original series True Blood.

Sookie Stackhouse has her hands full with shapeshifter Quinn—a possible new man in her life—and the upcoming central U.S. Vampire Summit on the shores of Lake Michigan. Sookie's job at the summit is to support Vampire Queen Sophie-Anne, whose power base was weakened by hurricane damage to New Orleans. But Sookie is about to discover just how dangerous that job can be, as she is drawn further and further into the vampire world...

Reviewed by Jordon on

4 of 5 stars

Originally posted at Miss Book Reviews

All Together Dead is one hell of an action packed book! Whoa. Just whoa.

So many things happened in this book; so many unrelated things happened in this book. It got a little confusing keeping up with everything but by the end of the book I suddenly felt like this was the book to change the series. I’m a little hesitant to start the next book because I’m afraid I won’t like what happens in the next one. And also I know that if I keep up reading these books this fast then I will get to book 12 before book 13 is published. And I really don’t want to wait to read book 13.

Sookie changes in this book. She’s a lot tougher and seems more heartless in certain situations but I find don’t think she’s heartless, with everything that’s happened so far I think she’s just accepted that things happen, people are murdered and there’s usually nothing you can do about it. Especially when vampires are involved. You tell the police and that’s that. I liked her more because of this. She’s grown and is able to handle herself. If she got weepy eyed over yet another murder she was involved in then I would have rolled my eyes.

I love that Barry is in this book, mainly because I love it when Sookie gets to use her telepathic ability. Barry is the bellboy that Sookie first met in Dallas in the second book, he is the only other telepathic she knows. I find that Barry is rather naive when it comes to vampires which irked me because he worked for them so surely he understood how heartless they can be?

The end of this book made me sad because now it feels like everything will change. It feels like everything is going to be a lot more serious, Sookie won’t get to be the happy, carefree, bubbly and kind person she was in the first few books. I guess it was bound to happen. I just hope the next book takes this sour feeling out of my mouth,

All Together Dead was action packed, exciting and I had my jaw dropping a lot through out the book.

Miss J

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  • 1 April, 2013: Reviewed