You Really Got Me by Erika Kelly

You Really Got Me (Rock Star Romance, #1)

by Erika Kelly

The first irresistible novel in a hot new series about a rock star on his way up—and the woman he wants to take all the way…

Emmie Valencia has what it takes to be the music industry’s hottest band manager. She just needs to prove it. Determined to discover a killer new band, Emmie is ready to make her move. First stop: Austin, Texas.

As a sizzling-hot lead singer, Slater Vaughn has no trouble raising heart rates—but his band’s been flat-lining for years. When Emmie, his bandmate’s sister, crashes with them in exchange for some free management, her industry know-how lands them a spot in the biggest music festival in Texas. But it isn’t just her business acumen that catches Slater’s attention. Emmie is sexy and warm, and—for the first time in his life—he wants more.

But as irresistible as Slater is, Emmie is done with musicians. In her experience, a man can’t be a rock star and someone to trust with your heart—but Slater is determined to show her he’s both.

Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

5 of 5 stars

YOU REALLY GOT ME is an enthralling story about a band on the cusp of success. Slater Vaughn is the lead singer for the country/rock band Snatch. He’s a handsome multi talented singer and songwriter with incredible stage presence, soulful eyes and women constantly falling all over him. Emmie Valencia has worked in the music business for years helping artists pursue their dreams and she is now helping Slater and his band. Emmie has many connections in the business and she instinctively knows how to help Snatch get to the next level and achieve the success they are looking for. Emmie’ is also ready for some changes in her own life, but is apprehensive and isn’t exactly sure what she wants. She loves working in the crazy cut throat music business, but she will never get personally involved with musicians, because they only break your heart.

This is a fascinating story with well developed characters. It kept me on the edge of my seat and managed to hit all my emotions. Slater is a sex god, but as the story develops, we learn he has many facets to his personality. Behind his façade he’s a warm, sensitive, caring guy who happens to be very talented. He helps Emmie with her self esteem issues and as she gains back her confidence, a friendship develops between them, but they are both afraid of relationships. I cared about Slater and Emmie and wanted them to work through their problems, because whenever Slater and Emmie are in the same room together, there’s a lot of heat between them.

Reviewed by Karen for Cocktails and Books

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  • 15 November, 2014: Reviewed