Reviewed by Risa Nichols on

4 of 5 stars

I received an advanced/review copy of this book. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content and honesty of my review.

I love Clara Hartley. Everything I've read of hers so far, I've immensely enjoyed, so when the opportunity arose to read and review an ARC of her newest release, I jumped at the chance. Also, I've had a thing for reading books with demons in them lately, so I was down.

I certainly wasn't disappointed. I loved just about everything about this book. The insta-lust kind of drove me nuts, particularly since these guys straight up captured her and her brother, and then tortured him. BUT. It's a story, so I kind of looked beyond that. Also, the heroine is totally money hungry and that was annoying...but not enough to turn me off from this book.

Anyway, I digress.

This was such a unique story and I'm excited to get to know the characters more in book two. 3 There was a fantastic amount of sexual tension and chemistry, and I loved that the heroine's brother is involved in this whole prophetic storyline. It's made even more interesting that they're twins. It was kind of refreshing to read a story where the heroine isn't the "chosen one" and showcasing how she deals with that, along with all the sudden changes in her life that these new powers and her demon companions bring.

As no surprise at all, I greatly enjoyed this story and I can't wait for the next one!! Highly recommend for paranormal romance fans. :) 3.5/4 stars.

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  • 19 August, 2018: Reviewed