Reviewed by bookishzelda on

Chaos is one of those perfect twist of Greek mythology and modern day. Maggie goes from being a normal high schooler to semi-god in a life changing episode. After she put her ex-boyfriend in a coma, a not so secret watchdog council sends out someone to evaluate if she should be “dealt with”. Maggie being an untrained newbie doesn’t really understand the implications with this and is more concerned about Mac, the hot guy that is messing with her school advice column. It’s not long before things turn ugly for Maggie and seems like Mac is the only person that can help her and even that is questionable.

One of the things I really like about Maggie is that I don’t like her in the beginning of the book. That sounds crazy right, but honestly there were some things that made me mad like the way she talks to her mom about the grandma situation. I thought in my head, she is being so immature and guess what, she should be because she is a teenager. I like that I didn’t like her because it gave her room to grow and as the book progresses, I really start see the other characteristics about her that come out the more you get to know her and as she develops through the book. I thought that was fantastic. So by the end of the book I was rooting for Maggie and thinking you kick butt girl!

I’m a greek mythology buff so I love when it’s incorporated and the use of it in this story is awesome. Especially when you get towards the end but I don’t want to spoil it so I won’t talk about that. I do however love the fact that it’s using Aphrodite mostly. You wouldn’t think the goddess of love would be a complicated thing but think about the gray area. Sometimes people do great and wonderful things for love, but there are also people who do bad twisted things in the name of love. It can go either way I like how that is kind of woven into the story.

I love the chemistry between Mac and Maggie. As the book goes on it gets better and better. It’s one of those things where it can be steamy without them even doing anything. Especially the way that other characters factor in. I just loved reading it. I think they are one of my favorite couples.

There are also great supporting characters. I love when the main character has some best friends. She has one that is Libby and that is who she tells everything to. Then there is Bink who she has been close to since they were kids but there are just some things that can only be shared between the two girls. Bink has an over protective streak that is endearing, he wants to beat up any guy that messes with Maggie which is why she sometimes doesn’t tell him things. Very sweet.

Wow an explosive ending I would say when I was about 80 percent I actually took a break and told my husband that I had to get ready because I knew it would be intense. Plus I knew that I had to read it when I was going to be able to read from there to the end because there would be no stopping which is what happened. So good I can’t wait for the next book, I must know what happens!

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  • 7 September, 2013: Finished reading
  • 7 September, 2013: Reviewed