Dark Rival by Brenda Joyce

Dark Rival (Masters of Time, #2) (Mills & Boon Nocturne)

by Brenda Joyce

A golden man, he is called Black Royce–a battle-hardened soldier of the gods. His vows are his life–until he is sent to New York City to protect a Healer from those who would use her powers for themselves. The moment Royce sees beautiful, feisty Allie Monroe, he knows she will be his only weakness–and he is right.

Allie Monroe is more than an heiress. She is a Healer, willing to do anything to save victims of the evil that lurks in the city at night. But alone, she can do only so much–until destiny sends her the darkest Highlander of them all. Then evil strikes and Royce is destroyed before Allie's eyes. Now Allie will do anything to save Royce–even if it means going back in time to a dark, dangerous world. Confronting their enemies could cost not only their lives, but their love–for all eternity.

Reviewed by Hixxup on

5 of 5 stars

This book was so good, I love the time travel aspects and them going to ancient scotland, but I loved this book because it was a constant battle between Allie & Royce when you knew they loved each other so much but he just wouldn't break. Then finally he did and they got their HEA, awwww so sweet. No really it was really good.

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  • Started reading
  • 18 April, 2011: Finished reading
  • 18 April, 2011: Reviewed