Invisible Girl by Mary Hanlon Stone

Invisible Girl

by Mary Hanlon Stone

Thirteen-year-old Stephanie, whisked from Boston to Encino, California, to stay with family friends after her abusive, alcoholic mother abandons her, tries desperately to fit in with her "cousin's" popular group even as she sees how much easier it would be to remain invisible.

Reviewed by Chelsea on

3 of 5 stars

The main reason why this book didn't get a higher rating is because I can't stand characters that sit around and do nothing. I know this girl had some issues at home but she's in a new place now. Why can't she stand up for herself? She just lets everyone walk all over her and that drives me crazy. The plot of this book wasn't bad though. Her mom beats her so she goes and stays with some friends for a while. She doesn't fit in though so the story is about her trying to fit into the popular crew. Finally near the end she actually stands up for someone, not herself though, and makes me feel a little better about her. Not my favourite book though.

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  • 29 June, 2014: Finished reading
  • 29 June, 2014: Reviewed