Northern Lights by Philip Pullman

Northern Lights (His Dark Materials, #1)

by Philip Pullman

This is the first in a trilogy in which a new universe has been created. A world where daemons swoop and scuttle along the streets of Oxford and London, where the mysterious Dust swirls invisibly through the air, and where one child knows secrets the adults would kill for.

Reviewed by Amber on

3 of 5 stars

I first read this about seven years ago, when I was a young teenager and just picking up whatever I could find in my library. I remember adoring this book back then. I absolutely devoured it. I think this time around I was expecting too much from this book, and I ended up being a little disappointed that I wasn't sucked in like I was before.

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  • Started reading
  • 14 September, 2013: Finished reading
  • 14 September, 2013: Reviewed