The Five Chinese Brothers by

The Five Chinese Brothers

The classic picture book about five clever brothers, each with a different extraordinary ability, has been in print for almost 80 years.

"An original nonsense tale told with...spirit and gusto." -- The Horn Book

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

3 of 5 stars

AppleBlossom read this one aloud to me from the 1988 Childcraft book. We noted the 1984 Childcraft had different illustrations. I remember this story from my own childhood. Not incredible, but interesting. Makes me want to go read The Story about Post Ping and another fable... something about a fisherman's wife...
Excerpts and/or reprints included in [b:Stories And Fables|660717|Stories And Fables (Childcraft The How and Why Library 1984, #2)|Childcraft International||646791].

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  • Started reading
  • 16 December, 2015: Finished reading
  • 16 December, 2015: Reviewed