Winter's Heir by Amber Argyle

Winter's Heir (Fairy Queens, #7)

by Amber Argyle

A price must be paid.

And Elice was born to pay it . . .

Elice and Adar have escaped the Winter Queen. Without her dark presence, the love between them grows stronger with each passing day. But there are secrets hidden in the heat of Summer.

Secrets Adar is at the heart of.

Worse, the decades-long war between the queens of Winter and Summer has thrown off the balance of nature, leaving the world in its death throes. Adar believes Elice can stop the destruction and heal the decades-old feud between the queens-if only she will trust him.

But like all fae bargains, that trust comes with a cost.

Will Elice and Adar's love survive? Can they save the dying magic and heal their broken world? Read Winter's Heir to find out!

Two immortal queens. A dying magic. A world to save . . .

Reviewed by tweetybugshouse on

5 of 5 stars

This is the last book in this amazing series that has evolved a lot sine book once i think this one is by far my favorite as you get to see how all the little details from the whole series link up in one final explosion of truth, love and yes death. I was sad at the death of the one of the characters but i saw the reason for it and though i wept i plodded on. The final part of this book gives you a satisfying conclusion to all the turmoil that has built up over this series. I am also tickled pink about the tiny clue we get as to what next on the horizon for Amber Argyle. Thanks Amber for being so generous with your work and allowing me the great honor of being a part of your street team and i am so happy to share this series with the world.

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  • Started reading
  • 13 July, 2016: Finished reading
  • 13 July, 2016: Reviewed