Sacred and Profane by Faye Kellerman

Sacred and Profane (Decker/Lazarus Novels, #2) (Peter Decker and Rina Lazarus, #2) (Coronet Books)

by Faye Kellerman

Detective Peter Decker's camping trip into the foothills above Los Angeles was meant to help get him closer to the young sons -Sammy and Jake - of his girlfriend, Rina Lazarus. So when the older boy stumbles on a horrific find - two charred human skeletons - Decker is filled with appalled guilt, not to say plunged into a case of double murder. And it is a truly horrifying case. One that takes him from the middle-class respectability of the suburbs to the terrifying crack dens of Hollywood Boulevard. But he is constantly drawn back to the fact that the only unifying thread in a network of violence and sickening corruption seems to be the deaths of two apparently very different young girls...

Reviewed by ibeforem on

4 of 5 stars

The crimes in this book are particularly heinous, which makes an interesting backdrop to Peter’s struggle with his faith (or perhaps, lack of it). I was a little surprised by the turn Peter and Rina’s relationship takes.

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  • Started reading
  • 13 August, 2007: Finished reading
  • 13 August, 2007: Reviewed