The Scorch Trials by James Dashner

The Scorch Trials (Maze Runner, #2)

by James Dashner

Book two in the blockbuster Maze Runner series that spawned a movie franchise and ushered in a worldwide phenomenon! And don’t miss The Fever Code, the highly-anticipated series conclusion that finally reveals the story of how the maze was built!
   Thomas was sure that escape from the Maze would mean freedom for him and the Gladers. But WICKED isn’t done yet. Phase Two has just begun. The Scorch.
   The Gladers have two weeks to cross through the Scorch—the most burned-out section of the world. And WICKED has made sure to adjust the variables and stack...Read more

Reviewed by adamfortuna on

3 of 5 stars

It's not often the 2nd one in a series is better than the first one. For me though, I enjoyed this one more than the original. That's not to say it was a great book, but I did enjoy where it took the story. After reading the first in the series, I wasn't sure I would read anymore of it. After re-watching the movie with some friends, I knew I had to see where the story went.

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  • Started reading
  • 31 December, 2014: Finished reading
  • 31 December, 2014: Reviewed