Reviewed by stressedrach on

5 of 5 stars

Brother Number Three carried on from where the first book Easter’s Lilly left off.
Another brilliant book that again I read in no time at all. I was completely hooked.

If you have read the first book you would know that being brother number three had been mentioned and it is not a good thing. That did not stop Lilly and Hector’s relationship growing closer and closer until finally the need was too much.

The book still had Lilly living in Diego’s big house with guards only this time Lilly was married to Max and the roles were reversed.
I loved the way the story panned out and the love square was unfolding, Lilly made mistakes but she just wants to be loved the way SHE needs to be loved.

The closeness of the 3 brothers is remarkable considering everything that had happened.

With everything going on in Lilly and the Montiago brothers lives there was still lots of action from the FBI and Drug baron side of things. I think Lilly is very brave, I don’t think I could live in such a dangerous environment with children. Especially since one of her sons had already been kidnapped by one of the drug barons that had it in for the Montiago’s.

A thrilling read, left on a huge cliff hanger again which makes you want to read the next book, Relatively Close straight away!

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  • Started reading
  • 19 February, 2012: Finished reading
  • 19 February, 2012: Reviewed