Rose by V C Andrews

Rose (Shooting stars, #3) (Shooting Stars (E-Books))

by V C Andrews

When she danced, she could dream... Beautiful and talented, Rose was the apple of her father's eye. But when he is tragically taken from her, his carefully hidden secrets destroy the only life Rose has ever known -- and lead her into a world of luxury unlike any she has imagined. Rose is whisked off to a prestigious private school, while her mother falls into a hateful whirlwind of wealth and greed. But a most unlikely person will show Rose the true meaning of family -- and give her the courage to follow her dream....

Reviewed by BookeryBliss on

2 of 5 stars

VC Andrews has always been a favorite of mine since my childhood days. I have read (and re-read) all of her books, and although I am much older now and find that some of her work is better than others, I still enjoy the twists and turns, strangeness and mystery that continues to captivate my interest.
With that being said - it might also explain why I find the ghostwriter's quality of work lacking and less memorable than Andrews true writing, especially with the newer, more modern series.

If your looking for a quick read that you can probably finish than give it a shot, but if you're looking for a timeless piece of work that will make your heart race and leave you speechless - read VC Andrews' original stories.

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  • Started reading
  • 2 January, 2013: Finished reading
  • 2 January, 2013: Reviewed