Under a Blackberry Moon by Serena B. Miller

Under a Blackberry Moon

by Serena B. Miller

Just a few days after she gives birth alone in the Northwoods, a recently widowed young Chippewa woman stumbles into a nearby lumber camp in search of refuge and sustenance. Come summer, the camp owner sends Skypilot, his most trusted friend, to accompany Moon Song and her baby on the long and treacherous journey back to her people. But when tragedy strikes off the shore of Michigan's Upper Peninsula wilderness, Moon Song and Skypilot must depend on each other for survival. With every step they take into the forbidding woods, they are drawn closer together, until the tough questions must be asked. Will she leave her culture to enter his? Will he leave his world to enter hers? Or will they walk away from a love that seems too complicated to last?

With evocative descriptions of a breathtaking landscape, Under a Blackberry Moon will sweep readers into a wild realm where beauty masks danger and only the truly courageous survive, even as the sweet love story along the way tightly grips their hearts.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

4 of 5 stars

I have to laugh at the PW quote, because I’m not really a fan of Jane Kirkpatrick, but I cannot get enough of Serena’s writing. Serena Miller is a fabulous storyteller and I became a fan a few years ago with the beginning of her Michigan stories with Katie. I continued to be in awe of her tales to be told with her Amish books in An Uncommon Grace and as I read more and more I’m finding her books to all be five stars in my rating, which is not an easy thing to do!

The first thing going for Under a Blackberry Moon is that is written by Serena, that already gives it kudos in my book. Next is the amazing beautiful cover! Never would I have imagined the adventure both fun and tragic from this what I would have guessed is relaxation in the north near the waters. It is lovely and gives a presentation of the lovely calm that can be, after the storms… Skypilot is a character I’ve already liked from the former books, and while this is the third in the Michigan Lumberjack Northwoods stories, each one sits alone for a great read and just entices a reader to return to the others if they missed one.

This is a book of an adventure in the wilderness. This is a romance. This is a story that touches on rough topics of slavery, tragic treatment of the Indians of North America, mental breakdowns, found love, gained trust, and understanding faith between various religions. There is so much, but it is told so well.

I received this product free for the purpose of reviewing it. I received no other compensation for this review. The opinions expressed in this review are my personal, honest opinions. Your experience may vary. Please read my full disclosure policy for more details.

posted: http://creativemadnessmama.com/blog/2013/10/12/under-a-blackberry-moon-by-serena-b-miller/

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  • 25 February, 2013: Reviewed