Reviewed by chymerra on

4 of 5 stars

I am going to come right out and warn everyone that this book defiantly isn’t for anyone who is A) easily offended by BDSM lifestyle and B) people who are easily offended by graphic details about flogging, nipple play, voyeurism, public sex, ball gags and caning. If you are offended by this….hit the back button and head to my next review. If you are easily offended and keep on reading this review….well, don’t say I didn’t warn you.

I absolutely loved how this book balanced BDSM and regular life. Unlike other books that I have read in this genre, the sex takes 2nd place to the storyline and I loved that. I have read books in this genre that once the sex was introduced, the storyline went out the window. So it was very refreshing to see that the storyline was kept up once the BDSM scenes started (which was fairly early in the book).

I really liked Kate. She was definitely was one of those heroines who didn’t take jack from anyone. I think the scenes where she stood up to Stanton (ie punched him in the junk) and when she finally told her father off was great and I thought it definitely showed off how spunky she was.

The attraction that she had to Dex was instantaneous and I loved the flogging scene. Now, normally I am not into that stuff but the way it was written and the way Dex and Kate discussed her soft and hard limits definitely piqued my interest. And how he took care of her afterwards was great and did show what kind of guy he was.

Dex is my new book boyfriend. He is hot and cares about his woman/Sub (and his past Sub’s). The only thing that I didn’t like was that he couldn’t tell her that he was investigating her and that he was FBI. It killed him and when she found out….it definitely killed her.

The subplot with the money laundering, the terrorists, the Dungeon and its clients was OK and it was resolved in a satisfactory way. Well, except that poor Kate got hurt.

The sex scenes between Kate and Dex were hot, hot, hot. They lit the pages on fire!!

The ending was good and the epilogue was great. I can’t wait to see if they are going to be mentioned in book 3 (if there is a book 3).

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  • Started reading
  • 27 November, 2016: Finished reading
  • 27 November, 2016: Reviewed