Instant Pot Cheese by Claudia Lucero

Instant Pot Cheese

by Claudia Lucero

The beloved Instant Pot can be used to do just about anything: caramelize onions, boil eggs, steam rice . . . and now, make cheese! Cheesemaking in a multicooker is not only time and money-saving, but the cooker’s accurate and consistent temperatures make it an ideal tool for the craft. Claudia Lucero, author of the best-selling One-Hour Cheese, presents the cheesemaking basics, then covers classics such as paneer, ricotta, goat cheese, and easy cottage cheese before introducing more sophisticated options like burrata and feta, and even dairy-free alternatives. For multicookers with a “Yogurt” function, there are recipes for cultured dairy products such as buttermilk, ghee, and sour cream, too.

Reviewed by annieb123 on

5 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: Nonstop Reader.

Instant Pot Cheese is a tutorial and recipe collection for making cheese in the instant pot written by Claudia Lucero. Due out 29th Sept 2020 from Storey, it's 144 pages and will be available in paperback and ebook formats.

It's always awesome when I get exposed to new & creative uses for appliances which are 'outside the box'. This book is a paradigm changer. I would have -never- considered using the Instant Pot for cheeses (despite the culture conditions of fresh cheeses requiring things which the instant pot is very good at - maintaining temperatures evenly in a closed and moist environment for specific amounts of time). Yogurts, yes (it's in the instructions which came with my I.P. but never cheeses). This is a really cool collection of fresh cheeses which are flavorful, with well written recipes which are do-able.

The book is well laid out and easy to follow. An introductory chapter covers the concepts and some basic instruction about cooking with the instant pot. The first recipe section contains all the dairy recipes including paneer, marscapone, mozarella, yogurt, sour cream and so many more. The second section includes non-dairy vegetarian/vegan recipes such as a coconut milk based yogurt, "pepper jack" block, tangy crumble with almond flour, and an umami sauce that was amazing (added to nachos, burgers, plain pasta, it's just super yummy).

Ingredient measurements are supplied in American measurements only. There is a conversion chart for metric measures included at the back of the book. Nutritional information is not included. Extra tips or recipe alternatives are listed in sidebars with the recipes. The recipes themselves are fairly straightforward and are made with easily sourced ingredients. Many are very simple, none of them are overly complex. There is also an abbreviated links list with further reading resources included.

The photography clear and abundant; most of the recipes are illustrated, and the photographs which are included are clear and well done. It's an exceptionally well written and developed bunch of recipes with clear and followable instructions.

Five stars.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 22 August, 2020: Finished reading
  • 22 August, 2020: Reviewed