Out of the Spin Cycle by Jen Hatmaker

Out of the Spin Cycle

by Jen Hatmaker

What lists and systems and self-help books have failed to do for young moms in the trenches, Jesus can accomplish blindfolded. Yes, moms are busy, they need a break, and they'd just like a shower. But they are also strong and brilliant and have the power to move mountains. Author and speaker Jen Hatmaker takes the words and deeds of Jesus, adds the humor of a young mom's life, and offers messages of grace and encouragement. She shows overburdened moms forty things Jesus doesn't expect them to do on their own.

Covering areas such as worry, marriage, priorities, money, and the trap of comparison, this lively Bible teacher brings Jesus's message alive in a format geared to the short moments moms have that can be allotted to reflection. This is a devotional for the woman inside the mom--the Bible student, the learner, the world-changer.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

4 of 5 stars

Over the last few weeks while I have been spending minutes at a time reading a chapter or two in this fun loving little Devotional book I have been amused and in deep thought. Jen Hatmaker brings reality of motherhood to the page and lives out the humor in life and making situations fun too look back on, even if in the moment they are rough. Each chapter gives a realistic scenario and then a scripture verse and principle to apply to live a fuller Christian Life.

This is one of the better devotions that I have read in a while. It is not preachy, but so much more in the way that it's another mama telling it real. I would easily say this could be an advice book as well as devotional. It is a devotional in the sense that each chapter is giving you as a reader one more suggestion of a scripture to cleave to and bringing it all back to God first, family second. As an advice book, I'd say that is more so for first time mamas like myself, although I'm sure the experienced mothers will find a kindred spirit within the pages.

I highly recommend this book and I am so glad that I was blessed to read it.

*Thanks to Revell Books for providing a copy for review.*

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  • Started reading
  • 29 October, 2010: Finished reading
  • 29 October, 2010: Reviewed