Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

5 of 5 stars

Once again Charlote Boyett-Compo has written a riveting story. Glyn Kullen is a reaper with enough worries on his mind. The last thing he's interested in is a mate. That is until he meets Mystery Butler and her precocious daughter, Valda. Just as he realizes that he doesn't want a life without them a horrible evil force enters the picture and challenges the possibility of their relationship and their lives.

The characters in this story were so real. They leaped off the pages. I was so immersed in the story that I stayed up through the night to make sure that Glyn, Valda, and Mystery would be okay. The reapers are the good guys with a bond so close that they really seem like brothers. The glimpses into their past lives before becoming a reaper really endear the reader to the reapers. Each story is heartbreaking and makes you cheer for them to defeat the evil and come out on top. I do think that Valda's character kind of upstaged the rest of the characters in this book. The author did an excellent job of adding cultural/racial/ethnic diversity without dumbing down the characters or exploiting their race/culture.

The storyline had numerous twists and turns. Just when I thought I knew what evil force was coming against them and how they were going to combat it. It turned out that there was another entity or several other entities at work against the reapers. I enjoyed every moment of the suspenseful element of the story. I absolutely love that Boyett-Compo's characters are lovingly flawed and each element of the storyline exposes those flaws so that the reader gets a deeper insight into the actions of the character. This book is number 6 in the series, but it is written so skillfully that it can easily be read as a standalone. However, the series is so addictive you will feel compelled to read all of the books.

This was another homerun!!!

Reviewed by Michelle for Cocktails and Books

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  • 30 November, 2013: Reviewed