Reviewed by Romance Schmomance on

4 of 5 stars

I normally don't start off my review with the rating I gave, but I'm going to do it this time .. it was a 3.5 rating for me. PLEASE DON'T HATE ME because I will continue to read the rest of the series, I have to know what happens next!

I don't think I've had so many unanswered questions while reading a book, it seriously drove me insane. Lets get to the characters!

Brooke - I loved her and could definitely relate to her. If I were in the same situation minus the fallen boyfriend, I'd be doing the same exact thing as she would. Dreading the working week, trying to avoid my boss(I'm sure we've all done that), and becoming ecstatic for the weekends to hang out with my friends. When it comes to relationships, she has trust issues, but what girl doesn't?! From dating a douchebag that cheated on her and learning that her father wasn't all that much of a perfect husband either. But when it comes to Gavin, man attraction up the wall. I'm sure she would have just stripped him naked every chance she could get. But don't worry, we get plenty of that!

Gavin - extremely beautiful human being that is English (don't call him British, he doesn't like it!). Besides being a Fallen angel, he's got a little dark side of him that he needs to uhm ... yeahhhhhh. You'll just have to read to see what I'm talking about. He's a complete gentleman and I loved how treated Brooke, just the way a lady should be treated. A+ sir! Their relationship is so intense and their intimates were pretty damn hot! And there's plenty of them. Gavin does have a huge struggle keeping his distance from here, it's funny to see them both try, but they obviously both give in. Gavin likes what he's not suppose to have.

I loved Constance (Brooke's BFF), they are EXTREMELY open with each other, more than I am with my close friends. But their banter was hilarious and just the humor I needed for this one. And there's Ashley, chick is CRAZY! I just don't know what to think of her really and what she's getting. She's one of the many mysteries in this book. And creepy-ass Dan, her bossman. He's completely inappropriate and should be fired or have his ass kicked! There's even a mystery to him too, I felt like he plays a bigger part in this story, but I could be completely wrong.

OK. Overall I liked the story of this book, but I thought more would happen. It did keep me intrigued and I was left with a hell of a lot of questions. Now that I had a couple days to take in this book, this one is just setting things up for the next two books. Towards the end, secrets are revealed and Brooke's life will change completely.

I can't even begin to tell you the amount of times when I thought something was going to happen and then it never came, so I was slightly disappointed, but I blame my over-creative imagination. I thought with Gavin being a Fallen, he would have done more Fallen things, I guess ... if that makes any sense. Paranormal is my favorite genre, so I've read so many different books when it comes to angels. I was hoping for some action cause well who doesn't like a good fight starring Grecian God of an Angel!

But Stevie, your writing is AMAZING and I'm definitely looking forward to the next installment of this series!

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  • 31 March, 2014: Finished reading
  • 31 March, 2014: Reviewed