Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

5 of 5 stars

Shane Garrison and Jen St. Clair have traveled a hellacious road to get to where they are today, happy and in love. But with redeployment looming, the only thing that really terrifies Shane is the possibility that Jen becoming pregnant will cause her cancer to come back.

I have never wanted to strangle, shake, strangle again and scream at a man as much as I wanted to with Shane. He makes an incredibly important decision based on his fear of Jen's cancer without talking to her. And when his decision finally comes out, instead of telling Jen how he feels and what their other options are, he shuts down and gets angry because she's hurt.

But what I love about Shane and Jen is how even when they walk away from each other angry, Jen (being the stronger of the two in my opinion) manages to talk Shane through his feelings and fears to come up with a solution that will make both of them happy. It's touching to see such a strong man, who is willing to put his life on the line for those he doesn't know, be crippled by the fear of having anything remotely to do with the love of his life being taken away from him.

If you've read any of the Coming Home series, this is definitely one to pick up.

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  • Started reading
  • 7 February, 2013: Finished reading
  • 7 February, 2013: Reviewed