Reviewed by readingwithwrin on

3 of 5 stars

"The MOMENT YOUR UNIVERSE SPINS OUT of control and collides with something so much greater than yourself, your initial reaction is shock and fright-a deep-seeded fear that runs through every inch of your body and brain. As you are jounced from your course, silence surrounds you, haunting you as the world around you tilts off its axis. All you can do is wait for the fall."

In this book we follow both Opel and Aecker. Opel can't remember anything that happened before Aecker found her and took her in to "The Gate" which is an outlawed community of people who have escaped from the Old City of Cupola.
The problem with Opel being there is that she isn't human ... or well not fully human at least. She's a Tracker "Trackers are soldiers, spies, assassins. They are here to kill any Inborns and infiltrate their hideouts. To bring violent death to Believers and make examples of their flaws."

The problem is though that she doesn't remember being a tracker and she can feel things and understand them unlike most trackers.
Along the way to getting Opel's freedom and trying to figure out exactly what she is, Aecker and Opel fall in love. Which is considered a flaw in the new post-nuclear fall-out world. Their love for each other is used against them and could be their downfall.
My feelings on this book are kind of mixed. I did enjoy it and I really liked how this was a different take on a dystopia. I wasn't expecting love to be the main premise of the book when we got past the halfway point. This didn't make it bad or make me enjoy it any less was just a bit of a disappointment when I figured there was going to be more about the world itself and how they were going to stop the bad people that were now in control. I am interested in what will happen in the next book and how things will end for Opel and Aecker.

I received an advance reader copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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  • 7 October, 2015: Finished reading
  • 7 October, 2015: Reviewed