Reviewed by Emma (SCR) on

4 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Star Crossed Reviews I received this book for free for a Blog Tour in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Thank you to JB for letting me take part in this tour. I was grabbed by the cover of this book its bright and inviting. I then went on to read the blurb which sounded like something I would really enjoy.

The book follows Gemma and Pan as they both struggle through their life and fall in love.

Gemma works at an estate agents. She is very passionate about helping people find the right home for them. Her childhood saw her moving from pillar to post and she would love nothing more than a place of her own. Gemma is rather guarded with her heart and doesn't want to end up like her mum. I really liked Gemma. She was down to earth, she was funny and given her past she was also very strong.

Marcus joins Hot Properties as their photographer. At first he seems a bit like he lives in the moment and doesn't exactly plan for tomorrow but the more I got to know Marcus the more I really liked him. He has had a family tragedy and this has made him step up to the plate. Marcus needed to be strong for his family and he did exactly that. Marcus acts like an idiot at times and I really wanted to bash Gemma and Marcus' heads together at some points as it was obvious they liked each other and both were too scared to say anything.

I really disliked Pan at first. I couldn't understand her need to have so much stuff especially considering her situation. I've never been one for big brands and paying over the odds for things so I really struggled to understand her character. As her story progressed there were some aspects of her that I liked. She obviously cared about her friends and family and she really helps Gemma out too. Once you move past the superficial aspect Pan is quite a sweetie.

There were some parts of this book towards the end that I thought were a little far fetched but it didn't ruin the story for me.

Pans mum Rose was one of my favourite side characters as was Humphrey Littlejohn. Rose just wants the best for her daughter and she'll do whatever she can to help her. Humphrey is just a lonely man. He has all this money and no one to share it with. He is a man who worked hard and was rewarded greatly in some areas but not so much in the romance department.

The story was well written. It had good pace and I could relate to a lot of Gemma's part of the story. I think my lack of relatability to Pan is a personal thing. Her character is well written and I know of people like Pan I just struggle to understand her.

If you are looking for a light romance that will have you giggling then this is one for you.

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  • Started reading
  • 12 March, 2018: Finished reading
  • 12 March, 2018: Reviewed