Lady Drusilla's Road to Ruin by Christine Merrill

Lady Drusilla's Road to Ruin (Ladies in Disgrace, #2) (Mills & Boon Historical)

by Christine Merrill

Considered a spinster, Lady Drusilla Rudney has only one role in life: to chaperone her sister. So when her flighty sibling elopes, Dru knows she has to stop her! She employs the help of a traveling companion, who looks harmless enough....

Former army captain John Hendricks is intrigued by this damsel in distress. Once embroiled with her in a mad dash across England, he discovers that Dru is no simpering woman. Her unconventional ways make him want to forget his gentlemanly conduct...and create a scandal all their own!

Reviewed by funstm on

2 of 5 stars

Well I just finished and I feel like I have whiplash. The ending was ridiculously abrupt. I was waiting for a gradual conclusion but it was just like BAM.

The rest of the story was entertaining. Nothing particularly deep - especially the developing relationship between Drusilla and John - they talked but it was too shallow for a believable relationship. Dru had glimpses of being a strong character but she was so naive, it was hard to love her. John was sweet but nothing that moved me.

Still, it was an easy read. 2.5 stars.

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  • 1 June, 2018: Reviewed