Reviewed by Melanie on

4 of 5 stars

Review originally posted at

I’ve been a huge fan of J.C. Daniels since I read the first Kit Colbana book. I was even a fan when I was reading books from her other pen name, Shiloh Walker. I was really excited to hear that she had a science fiction novel coming out and jumped at a chance to review it. I’m really glad that I did. I flew through this book and found it to be a dark and wonderful story.

Silence is a slave is all sense of the word. She has no memory of her life prior to 10 years ago when she was sold to her current owner. He uses her as an assassin and as a sex slave (so take that disclaimer seriously). Silence is pushed to her limit that she is even considering taking her own life to escape the rule of her owner. Gold, her owner, offers her one last job and he will set her free. Little does she know that she has a history with the man she is set out to kill.

I’m no stranger to dark stories, they are some of my favorites. This one is right up there with some of the darkest stories I’ve read. I completely felt Silence’s despair and her willingness to die instead of living out the life under Gold. The worldbuilding is phenomenal, as I would expect from reading the other books by this author.

The story drew me in. While it didn’t take me long to read it, I felt like it was a full story. I was quite surprised when I was pulling data for this post and saw that it was only 109 pages. The story felt longer to me when I was reading it. That being said, I do wish there was more in the ending. It felt a little unfinished, but really makes me want more. I don’t know if this book is planned to be part of a series, but I would love to see more of this world and of Silence.

**Book was provided to me by the publisher via NetGalley. This review is my opinion and was not requested or provoked in anyway.

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  • 6 July, 2015: Finished reading
  • 6 July, 2015: Reviewed