Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books.

I was happy to see Hades was going to get a novella.  And let me say, Larissa Ione once again gives us a hero that you can't help but love.

As we step back into the Demonica world, we get a little insight into how the underworld works.  Hades may be the jailer of the things we don't like to think about, but we find out he's not in charge of his own destiny.  Instead, he's paying for not only the sins that caused him to fall but also for the poor choices that lead to him into the servitude of Arazgoth.  It's not until Cataclysm (or Cat) that Hades realizes what he wants is what every other male in the Demonica series has wanted...a woman to want him just as he is.

Cat is an angel who got pulled into something she really knew nothing about.  Being sent to the Sheoul-gra was a punishment Cat was going to take until she could redeem herself and return to Heaven.  But Hades and the friends she'd made there helped her realize that she had so much more with these group of people than she did with her heavenly family.  They accepted her inquisitive, sometimes messy, personality and made her feel like she belonged.

I'll admit, this novella was too short of a Demonica story for me.  I wanted more for both of these characters.  For their romance to build and expand over a couple hundred pages.  That being said, it was a typical Demonica book with wit, sarcasm, trouble brewing and a romance between a hero/heroine that seems unlikely but proves to be absolutely perfect in the end.  If you've followed the Demonica series, HADES is an absolute must-read.This book was reviewed by a member of the review staff at Cocktails and Books. The name of the reviewer can be found under the post categories.

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  • 21 May, 2015: Finished reading
  • 21 May, 2015: Reviewed