The Grown Ups by Robin Antalek

The Grown Ups

by Robin Antalek

From the author of The Summer We Fell Apart, an evocative and emotionally resonant coming-of-age novel involving three friends that explores what it means to be happy, what it means to grow up, and how difficult it is to do both together. The summer he's fifteen, Sam enjoys, for a few secret months, the unexpected attention of Suzie Epstein. For reasons Sam doesn't entirely understand, he and Suzie keep their budding relationship hidden from their close knit group of friends. But as the summer ends, Sam's world unexpectedly shatters twice: Suzie's parents are moving to a new city to save their marriage, and his own mother has suddenly left the house, leaving Sam's father alone to raise two sons. Watching as her parents' marital troubles escalate, Suzie takes on the responsibility of raising her two younger brothers and plans an early escape to college and independence. Though she thinks of Sam, she deeply misses her closest friend Bella, but makes no attempt to reconnect, embarrassed by the destructive wake of her parents as they left the only place Suzie called home.
Years later, a chance meeting with Sam's older brother will reunite her with both Sam and Bella-and force her to confront her past and her friends. After losing Suzie, Bella finds her first real love in Sam. But Sam's inability to commit to her or even his own future eventually drives them apart. In contrast, Bella's old friend Suzie-and Sam's older brother, Michael-seem to have worked it all out, leaving Bella to wonder where she went wrong. Spanning over a decade, told in alternating voices, The Grown Ups explores the indelible bonds between friends and family and the challenges that threaten to divide them.

Reviewed by Lynn on

4 of 5 stars

They say “Don't judge a book by its cover,” this is one time when I'm glad I dived in without taking much notice of the front cover. When I began to read this book, I had absolutely know idea where the plot would lead. I admit I wasn't immediately struck with the story but somehow after a few pages it gripped me in a way I can only describe as spellbinding!

Sam, Bella and Suzie live in the same neighbourhood, attending the same school. It's 1997, they're fifteen years old and carefree. They're completely oblivious to the fact that all their lives are about to change forever. Until then, Sam spends an idyllic Summer, not quite understanding why he is the focus of Suzie's attention, but enjoys the awakening feelings that stir within him. Then suddenly, everything changes! Suzie leaves town with her younger brothers as their parents attempt to re-build their failing marriage in a new location. Already devastated, Sam sees his own mother walking out of their family home, leaving him and his brother Michael with their Father. Bella lost her best friend when Suzie moved away so she and Sam comfort one another. Over the course of the following decade we follow each one of them during their transition from being a free teenagers to mature adults.

Robin Antalek has written an intriguing ensemble. Each character eventually heads off in different direction, but somehow manage to make their way back to each other over a period of years. Things never go back to how they originally were, but they're all still very much connected. Gut-wrenching at times, us the readers go on a roller-coaster of a ride as we follow these three young people. With alternating points of view, we feel their emotions and live their challenges as new life events assault them from many directions. Our three protagonists deal with some hefty life issues including heartbreaking dementia and miscarriage, which the author deals with in a sensitive and realistic way.

The only reason I didn't award this 5 stars is because I felt overwhelmed at times trying to keep track of which person belonged to which thread of the plot. Other than that I am completely in awe of the author's ability to draw me into this enthralling novel.

4½ Stars

***arc received courtesy of publisher William Morris in exchange for an honest review***

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  • 13 January, 2015: Finished reading
  • 13 January, 2015: Reviewed