The Secret of the Lost Pharaoh by Carolyn Arnold

The Secret of the Lost Pharaoh (Matthew Connor Adventure, #2)

by Carolyn Arnold

In Egypt’s Western Desert lies the tomb of an unnamed pharaoh that hides a secret so powerful, it could destroy the world as we know it.

Archaeologist and adventurer Matthew Connor has made a career of finding legends the world has all but forgotten. Though there’s one in particular that has fascinated him for years—the Emerald Tablets. Myth says that they possess the knowledge of the universe, allowing humankind to traverse Heaven and Earth, and have the power to bestow wealth and wisdom upon whoever possesses them. But if they fall into evil hands, it could cause a global disaster.

So when a former colleague stumbles across an ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic map that promises to lead to a pharaoh’s tomb and the Emerald Tablets, there’s no way he’s turning down her invitation to join the dig. He only has one stipulation: his best friends Robyn Garcia and Cal Myers come with him.

The road ahead isn’t going to be an easy one, and their shared dream of recovering the Emerald Tablets is being crushed at every turn. And just when they think it’s all over, they learn there are a few clues they have overlooked. But they’re no longer the only ones searching for the Tablets. Now, the fate of the world hangs in the balance, and soon they’ll find out that when it comes to hunting legends, they can’t trust anyone.

The Secret of the Lost Pharaoh is a fast-paced action adventure that’s akin to an Indiana Jones story set in modern times. It’s light on history and heavy on action, suspense, and intrigue.

Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

As a big fan of Carolyn Arnold’s work, every opportunity to read her books is a dream come true. Therefore, when The Secret of the Lost Pharaoh came on my radar, I knew I could not let the chance to read and review this title pass me by. This is the second book in the Matthew Connor Adventure and it is a great addition to the series.

In this installment we meet Alex, an archaeologist who for the first time is leading an archaeological dig. She discovers the possible existence of a magnificent treasure, which if it should get in the wrong hands would mean the end of the world. Looking to make a name for herself, she sought the assistance of the one person who could help her achieve this goal.

Matthew Connor has made it his mission in life to prove the existence of mythical treasures. When approached by a long lost colleague to help in the search of the mythical Emerald Tablets, he saw this has an opportunity not to be missed. However, no matter how eager he was to proceed on this latest adventure he would do so only if his best friends Robyn and Cal would join him in this historical moment.

Once again, Carolyn Arnold took me on a suspenseful and action packed adventure that kept me on the edge of my seat from start to finish. The rich description and the author’s attention to detail made me feel as if I were a part of the adventure. Where is the fun in seeking a lost treasure without a few snakes involved, along with the occasional cave ins and the many hidden entrances? Not everyone can be trusted and figuring out whom to trust was no easy feat. The twist near to the end, I never saw coming. Not only was it a shocker, it was mind-blowing. It shows not everyone who smiles with you is your friend. Besides the danger lurking in every corner, feelings of resentment and mistrust reared their ugly heads among the members of both teams. Emotions ran hot. There was a hint of a love triangle, but thank goodness, it did not overshadow the events regarding the search for the Emerald Tablets.

The characters, both good and evil were portrayed in a manner, which made it easy to understand what motivates them, especially during their triumphs and trials. They each had their issued to work through and they did so amidst the challenges faced during the expedition. My favourite character is Cal. He is funny and knows how to make a tense situation seem light. What made him unique was his eagerness to take part in these expeditions, yet afraid of the threat of danger that came with adventures such as these.

The author weaved a brilliant tale, which perfectly combines adventure, suspense, and Egyptology sprinkled with a pinch of humour to make for a splendid read. Fans of archaeological themed stories would enjoy this series.

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  • Started reading
  • 28 April, 2018: Finished reading
  • 28 April, 2018: Reviewed