I Am Ozzy by Ozzy Osbourne

I Am Ozzy (Memorias)

by Ozzy Osbourne

One of television's best loved personalities via the wildly successful hit MTV show The Osbournes, Ozzy tells about his days on the road and the heartbreak he suffered during those days of hard living.

Reviewed by inlibrisveritas on

5 of 5 stars

I remember when I first opened this book in the store, I was hooked. I love his music and I enjoyed watching the tv show when i got the chance so I knew there was no way I'd hate this. There is one thing about this book that did surprise me though...Ozzy hides nothing, he just says it straight out. So if you don't like reading about cussing, drinking, using the bathroom, sex, animal cruelty (cause there are a few instances that he is none to proud of), etc. don't read it. He takes you through it all from childhood to now, well the stuff he can remember and he also lets you know that since most of the time he was out of it, it may have been slightly different. I laughed a lot during it and I also cringed just as much, but overall I was just in constant amazement. How on earth can one man live through all of that and come out of it healthy?
I think if you enjoy reading and like Ozzy then read it, but if you are just looking for something to read on a whim I would consider carefully. While it's entertaining, it is extremely graphic in areas and it's a true rocker's life put into words, very blunt and straightforward words.

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  • Started reading
  • 22 January, 2011: Finished reading
  • 22 January, 2011: Reviewed