Lover Reborn by J R Ward

Lover Reborn (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #10)

by J. R. Ward

In the darkest corners of the night in Caldwell, New York, a conflict like no other rages. The city is home to a band of brothers born to defend
their race: the warrior vampires of the Black Dagger Brotherhood.

Now back in the Brotherhood - and unrecognisable as the vampire leader he once was - Tohrment is physically emaciated and heartbroken beyond despair. When he begins to see his beloved in his dreams - trapped in a cold, isolating netherworld - Tohr turns to a self-serving fallen angel in hopes of saving the one he has lost. When he's told he must learn to love another to free his former mate, Tohr knows they are all doomed . . .

Except then a female with a shadowed history begins to get through to him. Against the backdrop of the raging war with the lessers, and with a new clan of vampires vying for the Blind King's throne, Tohr struggles between the buried past, and a very hot, passion-filled future . . . but can his heart let go and set all of them free?

Reviewed by Hixxup on

5 of 5 stars

this is a definite WOW on the awesome meter....

So I've been slightly disappointed with the last book. Well last few, still loved and enjoyed them, but the just didn't hold a candle to the others. I was quite reluctant in reading this book, because of that, because I was afraid J.R. Ward was losing her touch or interest In the BDB books. But boy was I horribly wrong in that judgement call there.

it broke my heart when Tohr, lost Welsie, I cried for him. I was overjoyed when he returned though heavily damaged, and not from fighting. No'One/Autumn was really hard on herself, and while reading this book you know why, but she grew slit in this book and it pleased me so much, to watch her, Tohr, and Lassiter all grow.

By the way I just love that pierced, arrogant, Maury loving Angel. I am also enjoy the path the series is taking as well, especially getting off of the "lesser" tangents, and with this new crew in town just makes things more interesting.

what I didn't like about this book was all the crap between xhex and John Mathew, it kinda irritated and bored me just as much as the lessers parts always do.

I'm seriously excited about finding out if Layla is with child, though I know there is no love like love love there.

all in all this book totally redeemed the series from the less satisfying few books before it.

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  • 13 August, 2013: Finished reading
  • 13 August, 2013: Reviewed