Reviewed by Romance Schmomance on

5 of 5 stars



Oh wow! I read this book with zero expectations and even if I did have them, Fiore would have bypassed them all effortlessly! The Gathering was a first time read by this author. And I'll be honest and say that I was totally judging the book by its cover in the best possible way. And then I was sold once I read the synopsis!

Fiore blew me away this one and I just can't stop thinking about it. Plus, I was left completely hungry for more.

First of all, don't start this at night... I didn't expect to be scared as I was reading and well I sure was in for a treat. But I surprised myself because I kept reading, all while checking every corner of my room. And that's just one thing to touch on, despite some things I may not like to read in a book, she has that ability to keep you captivated and wanting to read more.

This book really did cover everything that I love in a PNR/romance without things going overboard and getting all jumbled. This story deals with the past, present and future. I was so in awe in how Fiore was able to weave this haunting, suspenseful, and romantic tale together so perfectly.

Ivy really pulled me in from the very beginning. Between her thoughts and dreams, all are just snippets of what she can't quite piece together, but they're all extremely familiar like it was a long lost friend. I'm not going to lie, I was begging for the romance part to kick in sooner than later. But in the end, I can't say that I didn't mind the pace she chose for their love story.


Because Ivy and Bain's love story is something that has surpassed time, lifetimes even. It's raw, emotional and never-ending. Not even death can keep them apart. It's actually quite tragic the journey of love has taken them on. But all so very beautiful and amazing.

The mystery and suspense, just adds on another level that keeps you hooked! While Ivy is trying to piece the happenings in her town, she's got memories to work through as well. Everything is part of a bigger picture that she hasn't figured out yet. And the balance of the world is thrown off and she may be the answer to it all.

I'm telling you, it's nearly impossible to write a spoiler-free review. So much happens and it all ties up rather nicely in the end. Bain and Ivy are EVERYTHING. And it has been a while where I've been completely engrossed in two character's love for one another. It's so deep that you will literally feel it to the depths of your soul.

Fiore, you wrote a damn amazing book! I'm such a fan and can't wait for the next one!

Highest recommendations, so buy it... ASAP!


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  • 26 June, 2018: Reviewed