Reviewed by readingwithwrin on

4 of 5 stars

"Then maybe you take it hour by hour, or minute by minute. If you can get through one, then you can get through the next."

Time travel books will most likely always be my weakness, especially when they involve going back in time. Abbi while annoying at times, was also a character I grew to like.
The book is rather slow at first, but it is because the world building needs to happen as well as certain other things that help explain things that happen towards the end of the book. Once Abbi started to time travel though things really picked up as did my interest in the story. Not only does so always go back in history, but she never gets to go home in between times to understand what is happening. Instead she has to try and balance what she knows from her original time and try to make sense of the new time she is in. All while dealing with roommates and classes that appear to not be very important.

"A wise girl once told me that no matter how bad things seem, they will work out, so never lose hope. Believe in yourself. And she was right. Have faith. Stay Strong."

As for the romance between Abbi and Will while I didn't really mind, also didn't really care for for the majority of the book. In fact at times it felt really pointless because of how they were both time hopping in opposite directions with no real end in sight it appeared. But at the end it all made sense and I actually ending up kind of liking the romance that they had. They were able to help each other out and make certain travel easier so that the other one wasn't so shell shocked when they arrived.
For me personally two time travels were my favorite because of who she meets and the mystery of the baby her grandma asked her to find being solved.
Now I was able to put a few things together before the end of the book, so the ending and twists weren't exactly a surprise for me. Figuring it out before hand though didn't make me like it any less and actually made me enjoy it more, because I was able to put everything together on my own!

"That's what scares me. Is knowing the future or past helpful, or will it make us do things we wouldn't have otherwise done? And will that change the outcome? "

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  • Started reading
  • 14 January, 2017: Finished reading
  • 14 January, 2017: Reviewed